You wake up every morning, and the first thing you hear is the sound of birds chirping away! Does this sound like you?
If you live in the tropics or mildly temperate regions, you have woken up to these sweet (or annoying, depending on what die of the bed you woke up) sounds countless times. Like many others, you might wonder why these beautiful creatures make these sounds.
Why do Birds chirp in the morning?
Are they trying to pass a message? You will find the answers to these questions and many more in the process of reading this article.
Why Do Birds Chirp in the Morning?

Everyone agrees that birds can fly around foraging for food and playing all their little games without being all noisy about it. So, why do they even chirp in the first place?
First, you must understand that chirping is a means by which birds use to communicate with each other. Just as humans possess an extensive vocabulary with millions of words and intonations, birds use a combination of high and low-pitch chirps to exchange information.
Here are five major reasons why birds chirp.
1. To Warn of Danger
Most birds are communal creatures and always on the lookout for one another. Hence, birds will always alert other flock members of any impending danger.
It is common to find birds chirping whenever they sense the presence of a natural predator, such as a larger bird or reptile. This way, they warn their young ones and other birds to either flee the immediate vicinity or avoid it completely.
2. To Attract A Mate
You are bound to hear more chirping during nesting season. In many bird species, male birds will chirp to announce their health and vigor to attract a suitable mate. Also, female birds will often chirp to announce their readiness to available males.
3. To Find Other Birds
Migratory birds often get separated from the flock during transit. As their survival depends on rejoining the community, stray birds will attempt to find other birds in the flock by chirping. Also, the heads of any migratory flock will often peep to direct any strays to the flock’s location.
4. To Seek Help
Birds in mortal danger will continue to chirp until they find relief. Hence, predators commonly hear birds chirp when trapped, injured, or cornered by predators.
Young birds will also chirp to attract their mothers to their location when they are hungry.
5. To Establish Territory
In many species, male birds chirp to keep other males away from their territory.
This behavior is common during nesting season when males try to attract females to their location.
The Phenomenon of The Dawn Chorus
Now that you understand the basics of birds chirping, let’s explain why birds chirp in the morning.
Birds chirp livelier and louder in the morning and chirp for longer periods. This phenomenon is known as the “Dawn Chorus.” The dawn chorus begins around 4 am every day, or an hour before sunrise. However, the timing differs according to the bird species and climate conditions.
Also, daylight comes earlier than usual, depending on the year’s season. Hence, birds adjust their timing to ensure that the dawn chorus coincides with sunrise.
Why Do Birds Sing The Dawn Chorus?
It is common to find birds chirping at other times of the day. But here are a few reasons why the dawn chorus means a lot to birds.
It Improves Their Chances of Pairing
Chirping in the morning is an energy-intensive activity. Hence, only healthy and vibrant birds engage in this activity.
Male birds sing the dawn chorus to notify potential partners of their vitality and access to nutrient sources. Also, the early morning hours are usually the quietest of the day, making the dawn chorus sound louder and travel farther.
Hence, male birds have a better chance of reaching more females when they sing the dawn chorus.
It Deters Prospective Invaders
While male birds sing the dawn chorus to attract females, they serve as a warning to other males nearby. The pitch of a male bird is often indicative of its size. Therefore, male birds will sing the dawn chorus since it makes them sound louder and bigger to potential rivals.
It Serves As A Welcome Pastime
Birds are naturally early risers. By the time they wake, visibility is poor, and they cannot begin their daily hunt. Hence, birds sing the dawn chorus as they wait for visibility to improve. The dawn chorus often turns into a contest, with rivals trying their best to outdo the other.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Birds Chirp At Other Times of The Day?
Yes. Birds chirp at other times of the day. However, the dawn chorus is usually the loudest and most persistent bird chirping you will ever hear.
Birds chirp according to their species and the season of the year.
However, birds chirp more frequently during spring as they attempt to mark territories and attract potential mates.
How Do I Stop Birds From Chirping In The Morning?
Chirping comes naturally to birds. Hence, a healthy bird will chirp as often and as loudly as possible. You cannot stop them.
However, if the sound of chirping birds disturbs your peace, here’s a natural way to get rid of them.
You have to remove any food sources within your vicinity. Birds will constantly forage for food and remain wherever they find it until the food source is exhausted. Hence, birds will stay away if they can’t find food in their immediate surroundings.